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Protecting your personal privacy is a crucial part of gaining and keeping your trust in us.

We have a comprehensive privacy policy which serves as our commitment to you to protect the security and privacy of your personal data.

Our privacy policy covers the following areas of privacy concerns:

  1. The types of data we collect from you

  2. When we collect your data

  3. How we use and process your data

  4. Our legal basis for processing your data

  5. When and to whom we share your data

  6. For how long we retain your data

  7. When and to whom we transfer your data across country borders

  8. The security measures we take to protect your data

  9. Your rights over your data

  10. The choices you have over how your data is collected and used by us

  11. Who to contact and what to do if you wish to discuss with us about your data and your rights

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us in servicing you.  Our products and services are rendered to you on the basis of your understanding of your data privacy rights. 

Therefore, please follow this link to read more about the DATA PRIVACY NOTICE.

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